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Well connected, strait forward and communicative

There is a great many of us that hold a personal bias against the legal community at large. A well deserved bias I might add. However, it is uplifting that in times of need there are still those who throw off the shackles of the tawdry backroom dealings, deceit and dubious acts of compromised integrity to be honest, forthright and candid. Mr. Bradley is one such of these people. Whilst the answers from him may not be to your liking, due to circumstances, Mr. Bradley will give you the truth of the situation as he sees it, not how he believes you would prefer it to be given. Well connected, strait forward and communicative; Mr. Bradley accomplished quite a bit for me with little to utilize. I believe he may be able to do the same for you.

– Allen H

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The LAW OFFICE OF SHANE P. BRADLEY, APC is committed to answering your questions about Workers' Compensation law issues in Sacramento and throughout California.

We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
